Being human in troubled times
say something luminous for the road - night is coming
[K. Miłobędzka]
We are living in a time of deepening poly-crisis, possibly leading to the collapse of the world as we know it and the destruction of present life on Earth.
Our task is to hospice modernity and sow the seeds of a mature culture for future generations. At OSADA we strive to do it wisely and courageously.
place to be with the challenges of our time
We gather with the urgency of being alive - here and now. We serve as a beacon and a safe harbour for those who want to be with the challenges of our confused modern age. We seek to patiently ask good questions and avoid hasty responses and answers.
Regenerative Habitat
nested in the ecosystem of the Drawsko Lake District. We learn the Place where we live, its essence, its role in the region. We regenerate the ecosystem and serve the greater whole, enriching the vitality and culture of this Small Center of the World.
Growing up Laboratory
for young and older. We deepen the culture of the community by moving away from a focus on personal development. We seek our path as part of a greater whole. We are "growing our hands back," that is, rebuilding a basic relationship with matter, body and nature. We are reclaiming agency and caring for the world.
Living Community
of people weaving their lives together. We are a community of practice - in daily life we learn to share responsibility for the commons. We research Life-giving ways of being and support each other to accommodate the difficult challenge of being with the predicament of our time. We co-create with this Place, of which we are stewards and guests.
Gathering of Caring Ancestors
who try to leave behind a trace that would be useful to future generations. We are looking for a way through the times of trouble and are already sowing the seeds of a culture that supports life on Earth. We are planting trees under which future generations will sit.
What we do:
We run a regenerative farm and a cultural and educational center.
We work with youth and adults
supporting them in the difficult task of growing up and finding their role in times of polycrisis. We create space for gatherings, workshops, and meetings that deepen our practice and provide opportunities for sharing experiences and deep learning.
We live together
striving to create a regenerative socio-economic model, growing up together and working for a truly interconnected life. In everyday life, we practice and discover elements of regenerative culture. We share our discoveries.
We create an edible forest, garden and water retention system
We work physically, serving the community and regenerating the ecosystem.
We work closely with the immediate environment
individuals and organizations from the municipality, the district and the Drawsko Lake region. We are discovering our role in the bioregion of the Drava river basin.
We support the Polish and international community
of people and projects taking up the challenges of the time of socio-environmental polycrisis. We operate in an international ecosystem of projects and places pursuing a similar vision.
see more videos on our YouTube channel
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Osada - Center for Regenerative Living © 2025